What is the cost of using Online Registration?
There is no cost to the Event Organizer or Race (unless they choose to absorb the participant's costs). The cost is 6% of the event fee of $1 - $50, or 5% of event fees $51 or more, plus a fee of $1.50 for processing the credit card payments. These fees are paid by the registrant at the time of registering for the event.
How are payments for Registration Fees, Licenses, Donations, Fundraising, E-Store Products etc. paid to the Race?
Payments are paid directly to the Race by either Check, which is mailed, or by Direct Deposit into the Race Organizer's Checking Account once a week; for transactions done during that time frame. You Decide. These payments are secured and are paid out by our Registration Partner, RunSignUp, LLC.
Can we do broadcast emails?
Yes, you can send a broadcast email out that will be sent to every registrant that provides an accurate email at the time of registering.
Will I have complete control over my event regarding setup, manually entering paper applications, downloading registrants, etc.?
Yes, you can create an account, setup your event, enter all paper apps into the online database, do the downloading of the registrants, custom reports etc. or we can handle all or part of creating and maintaining the registration site for your event for you at no extra cost.
With E-Store, it's easy to set up and you are able to sell products, tickets, services, etc. associated with your event during the registration process.